Washington Education News

Family Fun in the Kitchen: Cooking, Baking, and Canning with Homegrown Apples

Fall City, WA. In the Carnation Valley, many of us grow one of many types of apples in our backyards. There's something magical about growing your apples and turning them into delicious culinary creations in your kitchen. As a parent, I've discovered that involving my kids in the process adds an extra layer of joy and learning to the experience. From picking ripe apples in our backyard orchard to cooking, baking, and canning together, it's a journey of bonding, education, and culinary delight. I'll share our family's adventu ... Read more

Could the current Public School online teaching get any wors

We are now a week into the school Hybrid program. We thought it would improve the all-day classroom environment that our kids were doing before. We were wrong. 

Initial thoughts: Classes are now even shorter. The actual schedule h ... Read more

The science says it's time for schools to be back open

It's the first of March, and most of the kids in the state of Washington still are not in school. Does anyone actually know why? Are you still going with the "It's not Safe" excuse? Well, we're the last to think that still. Wash ... Read more

Know about computers all generation years and hardware wise

Know about computers all generation years and hardware wise

The very first time, the computer was introduced was in the year 1940. The first Generation of computers came into action in the market from 1940-1950. First Generation comput ... Read more

Know about World top 7 websites as traffic and user wise

Know about World's top 7 websites as traffic and user-wise.
In this educational news article, I am going to share information about World's Top 7 websites named where users are spending more time.
The first website name I am going to mention in this list is Google. Google belongs to the Computer Technology category.
Youtube is the second number on this list. The Youtube category belongs to the entertainment and education category.
Facebook is added in third place. Facebook is one of the most popular platforms ... Read more

Know about USA Top Military Branches- There are 6 Military B

Know about USA Top Military Branches- There are 6 Military Branches-
In this article, I am going to talk about USA's top Military branches

1. Army- USA Army is one of the oldest military branches. The army protects the secur ... Read more

Do you know the USA top 5 tech companies name

Do you know the USA's top 5 tech companies name?
In this news article, I am going to mention about USA's top 5 tech companies. These all companies are top-rated companies and they are generating good revenue every year.

... Read more

Know about USA top most cold towns

The United States is home to a wide variety of climates, with temperatures ranging from well below freezing in the northernmost states to sweltering heat in the south. Some of the coldest towns in the USA are located in Alaska and the northern states ... Read more