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Silver Lake, KS

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We would like to provide the residents of  Silver Lake  a basic history overview.

The WikiXM 'Silver Lake' platform is your gateway to becoming an active part of our vibrant community, regardless of your age or how long you've called 'Silver Lake' home. It's more than just a news platform; it's a thriving hub where the collective wisdom of every 'Silver Lake' resident converges to ignite discussions, foster learning, and empower one another with knowledge about our beloved town.

Here in 'Silver Lake', we have a diverse tapestry of residents. Some have roots that run deep, their knowledge steeped in the rich history of our town. Others are students, dedicated to keeping us updated on school activities, while many are committed to sharing the ebb and flow of daily life.

What's more, from a civic and political perspective, there are countless opportunities for you to join in. Many in our community offer updates on policies and decisions, offering their unique insights. This platform is where all these local perspectives meld together, creating a better place for everyone to live, regardless of your age or how long you've been a part of 'Silver Lake'.

So, whether you're a long-time resident or a newcomer, young or old, WikiXM is your invitation to dive into the heart of our community, to engage, and help us all create a more vibrant, inclusive, and connected 'Silver Lake'. Join us and let's make a difference together!

Silver Lake, KS - History

We would like to provide the residents of  Silver Lake  a basic history overview.

Welcome to the Silver Lake Home page. The Silver Lake Home page provides as much information as possible on Silver Lake. Knowing Silver Lake’s history is essential to guiding its future. Within Silver Lake’s Home page, you will also find Silver Lake’s Founders, Holiday, and Birthday sections.

Silver Lake has a population of 1453. 51.5% of Silver Lake’s inhabitants are Male, and 48.5 are female. 46.6% of Silver Lake is married and 69.5% own their own home. The Average Home price is $149,018, and the average rent is $698. Household median income in Silver Lake is $59,375, and the individual median income is $38,889. Silver Lake’s Ethnic is the following: White(98.6%), Hispanic(1.2%), Multiple(0.6%), Native(0.4%), Asian(0.2%), Other(0.2%).

In 1911, a new six room brick school building replaced the original two room structure and the first high school class was organized. In 1928, that building became the elementary school. In 1952, the high school burned and a new high school was completed in 1953. In 1961, a new elementary school was completed.In 1928, a two-lane hard-surfaced road was completed through the city.

It was later known as US Highway 40 and later became US Highway 24.

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Silver Lake, KS - Founding Members

Silver Lake, KS Founders

The Silver Lake, KS founder's page is dedicated to those people in the Silver Lake, KS area that initially made the Silver Lake, KS WikiXM news a reality. Without their initiative, foresight and social fortitude the Silver Lake, KS WikiXM news would not have happened.

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The Silver Lake, KS founder's page is dedicated to those people in the Silver Lake, KS area that initially made the Silver Lake, KS WikiXM news a reality. Without their initiative, foresight and social fortitude the Silver Lake, KS WikiXM news would not have happened.

Kansas man sentenced for killing ex-girlfriend and burying her in shallow grave

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