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Here in 'Norfolk', we have a diverse tapestry of residents. Some have roots that run deep, their knowledge steeped in the rich history of our town. Others are students, dedicated to keeping us updated on school activities, while many are committed to sharing the ebb and flow of daily life.
What's more, from a civic and political perspective, there are countless opportunities for you to join in. Many in our community offer updates on policies and decisions, offering their unique insights. This platform is where all these local perspectives meld together, creating a better place for everyone to live, regardless of your age or how long you've been a part of 'Norfolk'.
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Norfolk, NE - History
We would like to provide the residents of Norfolk a basic history overview.
Welcome to the Norfolk Home page. The Norfolk Home page provides as much information as possible on Norfolk. Knowing Norfolk’s history is essential to guiding its future. Within Norfolk’s Home page, you will also find Norfolk’s Founders, Holiday, and Birthday sections.
Norfolk has a population of 24410. 48.9% of Norfolk’s inhabitants are Male, and 51.1 are female. 46.5% of Norfolk is married and 61.9% own their own home. The Average Home price is $158,746, and the average rent is $708. Household median income in Norfolk is $49,280, and the individual median income is $29,378. Norfolk’s Ethnic is the following: White(89.3%), Hispanic(14.4%), Multiple(3%), Other(2.3%), Native(1.9%), Asian(1.8%), Black(1.6%).
In 1900, the city had a population of 3,883, nearly quadruple its population of a decade earlier. By 1910, it had more than 6,000 people, comprising roughly one-third of Madison County's population of 19,101.: 14 In 1915, petitions were filed for an election to move the county seat from Madison to Norfolk.
The measure, however, failed to secure the necessary number of votes.: 20 In the 1910s, development began on the Meridian Highway as a direct north–south route across the United States; the route of the highway ran through Norfolk. The 1924 completion of the Meridian Bridge across the Missouri River at the Nebraska-South Dakota border made the highway a continuous year-round thoroughfare.
In 1926, it was designated as U.S. Highway 81. A second federal highway, U.S. Highway 275, received its designation in 1939; it follows the Elkhorn valley upstream from Omaha through Norfolk to O'Neill. During World War II, the segment from Norfolk to O'Neill was a portion of the Strategic Network of Highways; as such, it was given a high priority for federal funds for materials and for federal maintenance funds. Air travel developed in Norfolk beginning with the establishment of a flying school in 1928.
The school's field gradually expanded and was improved. In 1942 the WPA began construction of a municipal airport at the site. Although construction materials were limited during World War II, Norfolk received priority as an auxiliary field to several war-related airports, including Sioux City Air Field.
After the war Norfolk congressman, Karl Stefan, a member of the Congressional Air Policy Board, used his influence to secure further funding for the airport. Commercial passenger flight through the airport began in the early 1950s.In the 1970s, another attempt was made to move the county seat from Madison to Norfolk.
In a 1975 county-wide election, the move's proponents failed to secure a simple majority. A 60% majority would have been necessary for the measure to pass.: 8 On September 26, 2002, three gunmen robbed a US Bank branch in Norfolk, killing five people in the process. This was the nation's deadliest bank robbery in at least a decade.
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The Norfolk, NE founder's page is dedicated to those people in the Norfolk, NE area that initially made the Norfolk, NE WikiXM news a reality. Without their initiative, foresight and social fortitude the Norfolk, NE WikiXM news would not have happened.
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The Norfolk, NE founder's page is dedicated to those people in the Norfolk, NE area that initially made the Norfolk, NE WikiXM news a reality. Without their initiative, foresight and social fortitude the Norfolk, NE WikiXM news would not have happened.
Four juveniles are accused of setting a stolen vehicle on fire and leading deputies on a pursuit in another stolen vehicle.... Read more
Officers found the victim at the City View Apartments just outside downtown Omaha... Read more
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