Pen Mar, PA Opinion News

Kids need to go back to school

Our kids need to go back to school. Unless you're listening to the media propaganda machine that continues to push that covid 19 is killing everyone. Foretunealty the numbers don't support the push. Almost daily, states are retracting their Covid numbers and giving excuses for dramatically over counting the deaths related to covid 19.

Not to sound out of bounds, people are dying of Covid 19, but people are also dying of the basic flu, car wrecks, cancer, and all the usual causes of death. Out of 345 million people in the US ... Read more

Snowfall in the Cascades and Olympics this year has been Awe

This snow year started slow, with low mountain snow around the Snoqualmie Summit area not gaining major accumulations until recently. In the last couple of weeks, the early snow shortfalls caught up with mother nature dumping feet of snow into the Sn ... Read more

Is it finally going to Snow?

Well, it looks like it's finally going to snow. 

We look forward to the snow every year. Aside from being beautiful and serene, the snowfall in the NW seems to put everything into a time freeze, where everything that was going o ... Read more

Biden has the healthcare problem backwards....

The Biden administration recently introduced another piece of their plan to lower prescription drug costs. Furthermore, HHS announced timelines for the government to negotiate on consumers' behalf. According to the new administrative guidance, ta ... Read more

Here's what Two weeks worth on Snow at Snoqualmie looks like...

If you're not a skier or get up to Snoqualmie Summit much, I wanted to share the experience that a lot of us take for granted. 

Over the last two weeks, Snoqualmie has had one storm after the next to come thru. This is fairly typical for late February and early March. Even if you are a skier, these periods of continuous snowfall are awesome to see.  Having read reports on the rest of the US, the PCN has the most snow in the country right now. Most ski resorts never have this much snow pile up. Even in Colorado an ... Read more

How is your business doing in this state of Chaos?

With Winter gripping down on us, snow falling, ice building up, power outages, grid failures, and oh ya, the Covid lockdown still holding your business on the brink? The next best question is, how's everything else doing? 
< ... Read more

What has happened to the state of Washington and the city of

What has happened to the state of Washington and the city of Seattle?

It’s mid-November 2020, and the state of WA and the city of Seattle are in a downward spiral. The national media sees our state as a joke, an example of what not to ... Read more

Why are people still getting the vaccine, boosters, and flu

Why are people still getting the vaccine, boosters, and flu shots?  I have seen and heard so many lives being cut short after they receive the vax and boosters. I have been sick 4 to 5 times in the last 2 years from people who had their vaccine ... Read more