Muncie, IL Opinion News

Kids need to go back to school

Our kids need to go back to school. Unless you're listening to the media propaganda machine that continues to push that covid 19 is killing everyone. Foretunealty the numbers don't support the push. Almost daily, states are retracting their Covid numbers and giving excuses for dramatically over counting the deaths related to covid 19.

Not to sound out of bounds, people are dying of Covid 19, but people are also dying of the basic flu, car wrecks, cancer, and all the usual causes of death. Out of 345 million people in the US ... Read more

Traveling outside the state of Washington It is like getting

So with Covid-19 spreading like the flu during the flu season, what are we supposed to do? I've been around people with COVID-19, and everyone seems to have a different perspective, but for the most part, all their symptoms seem to resemble the f ... Read more

Biden has the healthcare problem backwards....

The Biden administration recently introduced another piece of their plan to lower prescription drug costs. Furthermore, HHS announced timelines for the government to negotiate on consumers' behalf. According to the new administrative guidance, ta ... Read more

Here's what Two weeks worth on Snow at Snoqualmie looks like

If you're not a skier or get up to Snoqualmie Summit much, I wanted to share the experience that a lot of us take for granted. 

Over the last two weeks, Snoqualmie has had one storm after the next to come thru. This is fairly ty ... Read more

China Reporter that first broke the Covid 19 story in Wuhan is put in jail for 4 years

Did you hear what happened to the first Reporter that broke the COVID-19 story in Wuhan, China? 

I’m always surprised at how most of the American press tries to portray China. It’s usually modest or even glowing like China is some example setter. 

Yet if you are an American journalist, you would actually have to have an agenda to put China on any pedestal. The first journalist to break the COVID-19 story in Wuhan, China, will now be spending the next four years in jail. What was the Reporter charg ... Read more

Top Activities to do in 2023 - Spring in the Carnation Valle

As the gentle breeze carries the scent of blooming flowers and the landscape awakens with vibrant colors, Spring in Fall City, Washington, invites you to explore its natural wonders and indulge in exciting activities. Nestled in the beautiful Snoqual ... Read more

What has happened to the state of Washington and the city of

What has happened to the state of Washington and the city of Seattle?

It’s mid-November 2020, and the state of WA and the city of Seattle are in a downward spiral. The national media sees our state as a joke, an example of what not to ... Read more

Snowfall in the Cascades and Olympics this year has been Awe

This snow year started slow, with low mountain snow around the Snoqualmie Summit area not gaining major accumulations until recently. In the last couple of weeks, the early snow shortfalls caught up with mother nature dumping feet of snow into the Sn ... Read more