Yoncalla, OR Sports News

What's that happening at the former Liberty Plaza in downtown Salem?

Location: 285 Liberty St. NE

Description: Liberty Plaza, a longtime staple in downtown, is undergoing a major transformation.

Now rebranded as the Forge, the three-story property at southwest Chemeketa and Liberty streets NE is set to get a new exterior facade and new tenants.

"A forge is where you create things, and we are trying to create things downtown," Clutch Industries Inc. founder and owner Chris Blackburn said.

He hopes it'll be a catalyst of change for the downtown block.

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Meet Kevin Neri, the Statesman Journal's new photojournalist

Kevin Neri recently joined the staff of the Statesman Journal as a multimedia photojournalist.

Originally from Pacifica, California, Neri graduated from the University of Oregon in June with a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism and a minor i ... Read more