Lincoln University, PA Sports News

Delaware attorney forced to leave Wilmington firm loses appeal

The Delaware Supreme Court upheld a lower court's dismissal of a defamation lawsuit by an attorney claiming he was forced to resign from his Wilmington law firm after becoming a victim of "cancel culture."

The lower court ruled last year that the comments Wilmington attorney Rosemary S. Goodier sent in an email to Scott D. Cousins' then-employerwere her opinion and "protected by constitutional privilege."

"The Supreme Court’s opinion was most thorough and scholarly and we are delighted by the outcome, vindicating Ms. ... Read more

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Mary Lou Pauly
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Mayor of Issaquah

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Issaquah, Washington

Mayor Pauly believes that all elected officials are servant leaders for the community they represent. As electeds, it is most important that we connect with our community, work to understand the values, goals and priorities of this special community, and reflect that in all the work that we do.

Issaquah, Washington

Mayor Pauly believes that all elected officials are servant leaders for the community they represent. As electeds, it is most important that we connect with our community, work to understand the values, goals and priorities of this special community, and reflect that in all the work that we do.